Tag Archive | God

On Faith

Faith. A simple word. To have confidence or trust in a person or entity. Depending on which religion it is faith is believing in one God or many gods.  Where does this “faith” come from? How does one get it?  Honestly I didn’t have faith or trust in too many people even as a kid. I did believe in something greater as I was growing up yet Catholic school for my elementary years and Catechism did little for giving, instilling in me or helping me to find that faith.  In my later years I recall being made to attend Church every Sunday morning with the family, minus dad.  I found it difficult yet managed to get through the boring service. Father Pat was very nice it was just the whole thing bored me and I received little education from it. I was in my teens and the years I attended church as my duty to beautiful Momma. Upon my sixteenth birthday Momma gave me the option of continuing to attend church or not. I chose freedom. I guess you could say I felt like the girl in the image below that day. Momma did her duty and introduced us to God in the way she was raised although she was determined to do so not near as strict as her Momma did with her and her brother.  Momma shared with me her love of stained glass windows in churches, their beauty as the sun reflects upon them. Truly awesome.


“Sometimes your only available transportation is a leap of faith.”

~~ Margaret Shepard