Tag Archive | Twins

Twinship, loss and grief

I am a Wombtwin. The grief is still profound in many ways that are unexplainable to others who are not twins. We didn’t have the chance to grow up and making any memories together. I have one memory and that is of in the womb holding hands with my twin, then her slipping away…I lost a massive part of myself in that moment, that day. I was left with an empty feeling of profound loss…It is an abysmal void that nothing can fill. I believe that is why I always have felt like I am on the outside looking in…I do not feel whole. I am incomplete..I will never be complete until “WE” are together again.
My Twinship did not end with the loss of my twin. This is a bond that can never be broken, never be taken from me. It is a forever gift that I cherish even in my grief.
“Once a twin, Always a twin” Dr. Raymond Brandt, founder of the Twinless Twins Support groups
I have been offline from my main social media page for a couple years dealing with grief from multiple losses in a short time. I am part of two amazing groups of twins supporting each other thru their journeys of loss and healing. It is time for me to get back to that page so reconnect with those very special twins who help lighten my journey and continue to support them in theirs.
“Siobhan is one of thousands of twinless twins round the world—defined as somebody who lost their twin whether it be in or around birth, during childhood, or during adulthood. The sense of loss is so intense that even those whose twins died at birth or in the womb (known colloquially as “womb twins”) can remain profoundly affected.”